Welcome to TYPG
Transport Yorkshire Preservation Group is a not-for profit organisation which cares for a historic collection of vintage buses, all of which originally operated on the streets of Leeds. Some of our collection have been restored into the green and cream colours that people will remember fondly, whereas other vehicles are awaiting restoration. A number of our vehicles appear at community events across Yorkshire, the Midlands and North of England.
Our buses are primarily preserved and cared for out of historic interest, however we are able to undertake film work and provide vehicles for corporate events - select from the menu from the left for more information. We also buy and sell modern buses and coaches to operators. Income from such work subsidises the restoration and conservation of our collection.
Recent TV work has included one of our double deckers appearing in This is England 86 (as shown on Channel 4 in autumn 2010) and corporate work includes a blue open top bus being used by Boots for a Macmillan charity event, and a red and cream open top bus being supplied to the Madina Mosjid mosque in Blackburn for use as a mobile stage for religious leaders to give an open air service to 10,000 people.
Our organisation is run exclusively by volunteers and we actively welcome additional help, whether you wish to help with hands-on restoration work, vehicle driving or administration you will be made very welcome indeed.