About Us
Our group came alive late in 2004, with the entry into preservation (in quick succession) of a number of historic former Leeds vehicles (especially Leyland Atlantean 591). A small number of other WYPTE vehicles were already in preservation with others.
The preservation of these most historic vehicles is not a cheap exercise, each one costing around £100 per month just in rent and overheads, then at least the same again (per month) to enable some level of restoration to be carried out. That is before thinking about fuel, tax and breakdown cover to take vehicles out and about...
To assist with securing the long-term future of these vehicles, in February 2007 Transport Yorkshire Preservation Group Ltd became a legal entity, a not-for-profit company (company limited by guarantee) registered number 06125986. This is a vital step in ensuring that our vehicles can exist with a secure, long-term future, and opens up all sorts of future possibilities - not least the opportunity for everyone to get involved with donations.
To comply with the requirements of the Companies Acts of 1985, 1989 and the latest amendment (Companies Act 2006) concerning websites, please note that Transport Yorkshire Preservation Group Ltd is a not for profit company, limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, registered number 06125986 VAT number GB 915 7861 95, registered office Unit 591, 57 Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3AJ. Post for the group may be sent to this address. You can donate to the group using the Paypal link at the bottom of every page.
At the moment, 1807, 5507 and 8648 are MOTd and taxed and thus able to attend events, 591 and 1254 are under restoration, and 1705 and 2004 are stored awaiting future restoration.
There are a large number of people and businesses I must thank for various things, at the risk of leaving someone off, I will just say thank you to everyone - you know who you are!!
For permission to use photographs on this site, thanks must go to Malcolm King, Adam Smith, Andrw Jarosz, Andy Burbidge, Russ Petty, John Law, Nigel Heaton, Phil Stevens, John Murray, Simon Turner and James Fairchild. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of pictures displayed on this site - if you think a picture is incorrectly credited then please get in touch.
For contributions to the fate list (however small or large), both in terms of doing the looking up, and providing info on re-registrations and survivors, we must thank everyone who has assisted.
For designing our group logo and new website, many many thanks to Gregory Guinea Pig.
To make contact, please go to this page.
If there is anyone (private individual or a business/corporate body) who would feel able to support us, we would gratefully accept either one-off donations, or a small, regular monthly donation that would go towards rent for undercover accommodation for our historic vehicles, or towards their rectification and maintenance costs. Please contact us as above if you would like to help. Businesses in particular, there is an opportunity to sponsor the repaint (to include your logo) of 1705, 1807, 2004 or 5507 or to sponsor more extensive work on 591.